Your needs are unique. Apex Removable Covers looks forward to answering with individualized solutions. Helping clients nationwide, we fulfill the demands of a broad range of industries, drawing from 20 years of proven background to create the ideal product for you. Our team of designers, sewing technicians and fabricators bring an average tenure of 10+ years to every job, applying the skill and craftsmanship that set us apart. Let us elevate the efficiency and productivity of your operations with our union made removable insulation covers.
Custom-Designed Removable Insulation Covers
From small to million-dollar projects, we partner with HVAC contractors, utility, military, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing companies to trim costs, time, and energy losses while optimizing safety, comfort, and convenience. Our covers are produced for perfect fit, allow removal without replacement and facilitate equipment maintenance and repair. While we offer a line of off the shelf valve covers, Apex Removable Covers specializes in custom creations.
When you need custom insulation covers, contact the team from Apex Removable Covers!
Apex Removable Covers carefully reviews specs, measurements, and site requirements before creating a model of the item to be covered by way of a state-of-the-art 3d CAD program. An unfolding program ensures the markings for cuts, sew lines and buckles are perfectly accurate. Taking into consideration your requirements and applications, we determine the right insulation material, threads, and outside materials. Understanding the importance over long-term benefits, we cater to the environment, operating temperature and site requirements. Our skilled team of local sewing technicians and fabricators assemble the design pieces to complete the custom fitted covers. The finished project is reviewed by the lead production specialists and our production manager for quality control. Once verified, your item is packed for delivery.